So, as its not obvious from the photos below, I a am short. 5'4 or so to be exact.(this lolcat to the left is not me, just so its clear, thought i echo its sentiment)
Finding a cross bike that fits me is not so easy. But I've saved some $ and really want to buy a new complete cross bike for the fall.
Salsa and Redline both make small cross bikes. I can get a Salsa with Rival, Askiums and some nice parts for more than the Redline Conquest Pro (Rival, less nice parts) but less than the Team (Ultegra, perhaps equivalent parts).
What to do? Any advice?
- ec
go salsa, go rival.
ReplyDeletefirst off, nobody feels sorry for you with your full 4 inches of extra height. second, I'm going into the premier cyclocross store in Portland (yep, this town has a cyclocross specific shop) to talk to them and get their recommendations on tiny cross bikes. I'll let you know. -mz